poniedziałek, 3 marca 2014

coś umiera a coś innego się rodzi

Dokładnie rok temu założyłam tego bloga i dokładnie dzisiaj zamierzam zakończyć ten projekt.

12 miesięcy i ponad 160 postów. Nie wiedziałam że jestem tak negatywna puki nie zobaczyłam tego na własne oczy. Jak lustro w którym przeglądam się co rano  tak i ten blog dał mi możliwość zajrzenia we własne myśli. Słowa których nie wypowiedziałam na głos, złość, smutek , żal i gorzkie zły, a także chwile zadumy, radości i te kiedy pierdoliłam totalne głupoty, to wszystko znajduje się tutaj.
Głębsze przemyślenia zostawiam dla siebie, jedynie co mogę dodać to to, że była to najwspanialsza, a zarazem najniebespieczniejsza wycieczka w głąb siebie którą zamierzam dalej kontynuować.

Mam na imię Magda i jest kilka rzeczy które w sobie lubię ♥ :D

2 komentarze:

  1. Hello, I think that's been a great journey. I've enjoyed your thoughts and insights. You are brave and open talking about things that need to be said to understand ourselves better. I admire your determination to understand what shaped you and to work on your personality. We all have some flaws and should at least from time to time look into our insides and try to improve something. But you also showed in some posts that we should enjoy ourselves as we are now. We should see good traits in us because they are many. Like your energy, creativity, honesty, friendliness and so on. I understand if you want to close this project. Maybe im wrong but I think it was exhausting to write some post. But if you decide to write here from time to time I feel like I would follow. Anyway the blog is great achievement. As you said it's been 160+ post. It's a book already. Congratulation. Keep up your journey and enjoy yourself as much as you can:)

    Ps. I've not commented on you post as much as i wanted. I'm just not that easy writer as you and sometimes Im just lazy;) It's a hundred;) times easier to read than to write (for me). It's a little easier to think than write so after reading your posts I've always spent some time to think over what you wrote;)

    1. Thank M for such a great comment! I really appreciate it and because of you, I decided to continue writing :) My journey didn't finish after 12 months, I have still a lot to do in order to improve my self esteem. Hope you will find time to read and comment because your thoughts are very valuable for me ;)
